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Live community panel: Different approaches to tagging taxonomies

When it comes to building and maintaining tagging taxonomies, there are different strokes for different folks. It depends on what type of research you’re doing, what your team looks like, and the timeframe you’re working within.

With no ”one” way to do things, we opened the floor to the community. We’ve got a panel of researchers to give us the lowdown on their approach to tagging taxonomies. And guess what? Each researcher goes about tagging differently. That’s why it’s so important for anyone looking to become the next tagging guru to get exposed to as many styles and methods as possible, so they can choose an approach that suits them best.

You’ll hear from:

Each researcher on the panel will provide an insight into their approach to tagging taxonomies and then we’ll be fielding any questions you may have!

Can’t make the live panel due to your timezone or a meeting conflict? Register below, and we’ll email you the recording within 24 hours of the panel.

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