Dovetail 3.0: Automated analysis, Channels, Ask, and RecruitLearn more

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Automatically uncover insights in your customer calls and interviews. Share effortlessly with your team


Get Dovetail free
    Magic features
    Automatic summarization
    Highlights key moments
    Auto tags highlights
    What you can do
    Auto-import and store calls, docs, and survey responses
    Transcribe conversations in over 40 languages, and detect speakers
    Save highlights across video, audio, documents, and notes
    Share auto-generated highlights with your team via Slack, Notion, and more
    1 project
Save 25%
Instantly discover insights across all your customer touch points like calls, surveys and support channels


per user/month

billed yearly

Start trial
    Magic features
    Global semantic search
    Thematic classification
    Auto creates insights
    Everything in Free, plus:
    Search by meaning across all data and insights, and summarize results
    Customize your workspace with folders, filters, and views
    Create project overviews and share in-depth findings as insights
    Find patterns across data with four different visualization types
    Store, track, and recruit over 3m people to talk to, worldwide
    Unlimited projects
    Unlimited channels
    Unlimited viewers
Scale insights org-wide with Enterprise-grade features, access controls, and standardization

Contact sales for pricing or to request a demo

    Magic features
    Chat with your data in Slack
    Automated insights digests
    Video, audio, and text redaction
    Everything in Professional, plus:
    Discover insights with conversational AI in Slack and Microsoft Teams
    Configure automated text and audio digests with relevant updates
    Redact video, audio, and text within transcripts to protect privacy
    Control permissions with user roles, groups, and granular access control
    Standardize tags, fields, and templates across the workspace
    Enable stakeholders to self-service insights with homepage and search
    Unlimited everything


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Contact sales

Contact sales


$39 billed monthly


Quickly analyze and synthesize customer feedback and share insights with stakeholders

Uncover insights

  • Included projects
    Projects are the main ‘container’. They can contain anything from interviews to survey responses to past research.
  • 1
  • Included contributors
    Contributors are users who can upload, analyze, and create insights.
  • 1+
  • Calendar integration
    Configure all of your customer calls to be automatically uploaded into Dovetail for instant analysis.
  • CSV import and export
    Bring in data from spreadsheets, such as NPS feedback, survey responses, and customer feedback. Additionally, you can download and export notes for an entire project from Dovetail as a spreadsheet.
  • Data-in integrations
    Get started by importing your data from existing tools including Google Drive, Zoom, OneDrive, SharePoint and many more.
  • Automation settings
    Choose the level of AI-powered analysis for each project.
  • Magic transcribe
    Accurately transcribe your audio and video files in 41 languages across different topics, industries, and accents.
  • Magic summarize
    Automatically summarize notes and identify key takeaways from your insights.
  • Magic highlight
    Automatically find key moments in your data by accepting and rejecting suggested highlights.
  • Magic cluster
    Automatically identify, cluster, and label highlights by theme in canvas.
  • Magic insight
    (Coming soon) Dovetail’s AI automatically creates draft insights based on summaries, highlights, and tags within your project.
  • Magic search
    Semantic search, advanced filtering, and automatic, evidence-backed summaries make it easy for anyone to find key insights.
  • Collaborative editing
    Use canvas to affinity map highlights as a team and find themes together.
  • Custom vocabulary
    Add specialized or context-specific words to expand your transcription’s vocabulary.
  • Views
    Visualize your data in 5 different views; board, table, canvas, grid, and list layouts.
  • Included viewers
    These are users who can read and comment on data and insights, but can’t edit.
  • Survey data
    Upload survey response CSVs and AI will instantly summarize and highlight key takeaways.
  • Views
    Customize how you see and work with your data with different views. Includes grid, list, table, board and canvas.
  • Remove ums and ahs
    Automatically remove the inevitable filler words in natural speech.
  • Custom vocabulary
    Add specialized or context-specific words to expand your transcription’s vocabulary.
  • Organize and share

  • Public links
    Share a public link to a highlight or an insight, allowing anyone with the link to view the highlight without logging in
  • Highlight reels
    Stream a playlist of all video and audio highlights for any of the tags created.
  • Share-out integrations
    Share findings with your stakeholders with powerful integrations including Notion, Slack, Jira, Confluence and many more.
  • Embed links
    Preview links from the tools you use including Figma, Google Docs, Vimeo and more.
  • Insights
    Summarize your findings into a beautiful report for stakeholders, and embed references to data from your analysis or past findings.
  • Comments and mentions
    Discuss research data and insights, and agree on the next steps as a team.
  • Insight analytics
    Understand the impact of your work with insight metrics, and discover which parts of your research are resonating with your audience.
  • Comments and mentions
    Discuss research data and insights, and agree on the next steps as a team.
  • Insight analytics
    Understand the impact of your work with insight metrics, and discover which parts of your research are resonating with your audience.
  • Web links
    Share a public link to a highlight or an insight, allowing anyone with the link to view the highlight without logging in
  • User profiles
    Follow and receive personal notifications when your team contribute new data or publish new insights.
  • Folders
    Use folders to group projects based on the team, product, active research projects or department.
  • Project and insight templates
    Standardize research across your organization by setting up templates for projects and insights.
  • Workspace tags
    Use workspace tags to set up a tagging taxonomy that spans across your workspace.
  • Workspace fields
    Set up custom fields across your workspace to add structure and allow your team to get started sooner.
  • Custom home and feeds
    Customize your workspace home to make it work for your team’s needs. Configure feeds, change the layout, content or use search blocks to keep it feeling fresh.
  • Ask Dovetail

    Customer insights at your fingertips in your flow of work *Sold separately

  • Conversational chat
    Ask @Dovetail in a channel, and AI responds with evidence-backed summaries. Ask followup questions to refine results.
  • Audio insights podcast
    Identify projects that matter to you, and Dovetail curates and delivers a regular podcast-style update with the most relevant information.
  • Privacy configuration
    Configure what data types are included in query results to protect sensitive data.
  • Unlimited queries
    Ask Dovetail is available to anyone in your organization who is using Slack or Teams.
  • Recruit

    Easily recruit and build your customer contacts database

  • Contacts management
    A database of all of your participants, complete with auto-populated details like job title, skills, geography, and more.
  • AI-generated summaries
    Instantly see how your contacts have contributed to past research.
  • Participant recruitment

    Add on

    Set up research studies and source new participants from our pool of 3 million people.

    Available on Professional and Enterprise: From $55


    Easily track high-volume customer feedback

  • Channels included
    AA channel is a container to continuously stream and analyze feedback sources like support tickets, NPS scores, and more.
  • Unlimited
  • Historical trends
    Visualize data trends over time, and filter by date so you can hone in on the insights that matter most.
  • Unlimited
  • Data analyzed
    Dovetail’s AI will automatically analyze and thematically classify data into themes. You have control to merge, split, and create new themes.
  • 250 data points / month

    Additional data points

    Add on

    Sitting on mountains of feedback? Add more data capacity to your plan, and let Dovetail’s AI analyze it for you.

    1000 data points / month: $500 per month

    5000+ data points / month: Contact sales

    Admin and security

  • AU, EU and USA data hosting
    New workspaces can choose to host their data in Australia, Europe or the United States to comply with local data regulations.
  • Encrypted data and backups
    Dovetail utilizes industry-standard practices concerning the encryption of data when stored and while in transmission.
  • API access
    Build on top of the Dovetail platform by automating tasks, extracting insights, and managing data more efficiently.
  • Access control
    Control who can manage, view, and edit projects with granular project permissions.
  • Single sign-on (SSO)
    Dovetail has built-in single sign-on capabilities for Google and Microsoft accounts, and the option to configure your own managed identity provider.
  • User groups
    Quickly grant access to folders, projects, tag boards, and extensions by user groups that you create and manage.
  • Usage analytics
    Track the output of your team’s research over time — from projects to notes, highlights, tags, insights, and people.
  • Custom data retention
    Set up auto-deletion of original videos without losing the video highlights to comply with your policies.
  • Data redaction
    Keep your data safe and remove sensitive information by redacting any text, audio, and video.
  • Optional HIPAA add-on
    Our optional HIPAA solution provides access controls and features to help manage PHI, such as advanced restrictions on sharing, access, and data exporting.
  • Security reviews
    Perform annual custom reviews against Dovetail’s security posture and compliance programs.
  • Custom session age
    Customize the default session period for your workspace, and require users to reauthenticate more frequently.
  • SCIM user provisioning
    Automate user provisioning with the System for Cross-domain Identity Management.
  • Custom contract and invoicing
    Negotiate certain terms of our MSA as required by your business with our custom legal contracting service.
  • Support

  • Help center
    Access our detailed knowledge base to get started, learn tips, and stay up to date with the latest from Dovetail.
  • Dovetail Academy
    A guided learning journey with curated courses, navigable tutorials, best practices, and easy activities to empower you to leverage Dovetail your way.
  • Slack community
    Join our Slack user group and learn how others are using Dovetail, get support, share ideas, and tell us what features you’d love to see.
  • Email support
    Our team is always here to help with any questions that you may have.
  • Priority support
    Get faster, prioritized responses from our Support team. We’re always here to help.
  • Dedicated CSM
    A dedicated Dovetail customer success manager will help you onboard, build solutions, support change management, and scale your team’s practice.
  • Onboarding support
    We partner with you to ensure your team can get up and running in Dovetail, fast.
  • Change management
    We help you prepare for change, gain organizational support, and deploy new ways of working to your team and company.
  • Workspace design
    We ensure that you’ve set up your workspace to be flexible and secure.
  • Putting together a proposal?

    Let us help you get your team on board with Dovetail. Answer a few simple questions, and we’ll generate a presentation that you can download and share with your stakeholders.

    Build a proposal

    Questions & answers

    Can’t find the answer here? Contact our support team.

    Users contribute data to—and do analysis within—your insights hub. Most customers buy enough users for their product management, research, and design teams. Some also buy users for their sales, customer success, support, and marketing teams to also contribute data to the insights hub.

    Like users, viewers also have a user account, but they can’t upload, create, or edit. Viewers can instead only search, view, and comment on data and insights in your insights hub. Unlimited viewers are included for free to help you get customer insights in front of as many people as possible in your organization.

    Access is controlled by changing a user’s role—Manager, Contributor, or Viewer—or by restricting a project or a folder to a specific user. Admins can set up user groups to make this easier on our Enterprise plans.

    There’s a yearly discount available on the Professional plan. Enterprise can only be paid yearly.

    No. We don’t offer discounts at this time. However, anyone is welcome to use our Free plan with its generous offerings.

    Yes, you can try our Professional plan for 7 days. If you would like to try our Enterprise plan please contact sales.Once your free trial ends your workspace will be set to read-only until you choose a paid plan or downgrade back to Free.

    No, unfortunately at the moment there is no way to pause your subscription. However, you can downgrade to a Free plan.

    You’ll be able to use Dovetail for the remainder of your billing period. At the end of the billing period, we’ll keep your workspace in a read-only state for a further 30 days so you can export your data. After this 30-day download period, your data will be deleted in accordance with your data retention policy. We don’t offer refunds.

    Yes. You can choose to pay via invoice for payments over $5,000 USD.

    No. We only accept USD at the moment.

    All prices are tax exclusive, and additional taxes (GST, VAT, US Sales Tax, etc.) may be applied to your invoice.

    Yes! Let us help you get your team on board with Dovetail. Answer a few simple questions, and we’ll generate a presentation that you can download and share with your stakeholders,

    Decide what to build next

    Get Dovetail freeContact sales


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