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For product managers

Build products people love

Instantly turn customer feedback into actionable insights that drive action.

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Being able to have a source of truth and get everyone on the same page quicker is an absolute game changer for someone like a product manager whose entire role revolves around that.

Matt Hinds

Product Manager

Read customer story

Build a roadmap backed by insights

AI-powered features turn your customer data into insights your team will get behind. Build a complete picture of your customer by combining product feedback, NPS, and customer interview analysis in one place.

Product screenshot
Product screenshot
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Eliminate guesswork

Instantly see themes across all of your customer feedback. Reveal use cases, pain points, and sentiment shaping the user experience with zero manual effort.

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Get everyone on the same page

Make sure your team knows the “why” behind the “what” with evidence-backed insights that connect straight back to the source.

Answer burning customer questions

No more searching through endless tools for insights into your customers. Just ask Dovetail, and our AI will give you the evidence-backed answers to share with your team.

Product screenshot

Eliminate guesswork

Instantly see themes across all of your customer feedback. Reveal use cases, pain points, and sentiment shaping the user experience with zero manual effort.

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Product screenshot

Get everyone on the same page

Make sure your team knows the “why” behind the “what” with evidence-backed insights that connect straight back to the source.

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Product screenshot

Answer burning customer questions

No more searching through endless tools for insights into your customers. Just ask Dovetail, and our AI will give you the evidence-backed answers to share with your team.

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Highlight reels

Stop messing with video editing tools and get instant sizzle reels to share with your stakeholders.

Magic search

Use global smart search to quickly find existing research and make customer informed decisions, faster.

Magic highlights

Automatically find key moments in your data and make evidence backed decisions faster.

Seamless integrations

No more manually downloading clunky files. Connect Dovetail with Zoom and other tools. We’ll import, store, and analyze calls for you.

Uncover themes faster than ever in canvas, now with AI clustering

Decide what to build next

Decide what to build next

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